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Frequently asked questions about the use and care of my ceramic pieces.


Can I eat and drink from your ceramic pieces?

Of course! All my glazes are non-toxic and lead-free. All of my glazes and clay bodies are food safe.


Can your mugs, bowls and plates go in the microwave or in the oven?

I only recommend putting mugs, bowls and plates in the microwave to reheat contents.

Bowls and plates may go in the microwave but sometimes the combination of cold food/dish and rapid temperature change can make them susceptible to cracking. This is true for most ceramic tableware. For this reason I also do not recommend the dishes for use in the oven.


Can these dishes go in the dishwasher?

Yes you can place your belinism tableware pieces in the dishwasher but, as with anything washed in the dishwasher, your piece is likely to age faster than if you gently hand wash with mild detergent in water.


Will the pattern/designs scratch or wear off overtime?

Unlike a decal/lustre that is added on top of fired glazed pieces, I only use clay underglazes on my tableware pieces. Underglazes are basically liquid clay colours that I place on unfired pieces before glazing making it impossible to scratch or ware off.


What type of clay do you use?

I only use  a High-fired, stoneware clay body in my tableware pieces.


Do you do commissions?

As a general rule I am currently unable to do commission pieces but sometimes it doesn't hurt to ask :)


How can I find out when new art pieces are available?

You can sign up to my mailing list.  I will keep you in the loop regarding shop updates and the occasional competitions, giveaways and discount codes. You can also follow me on instagram to see new products/art pieces and work in progress.